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Minister - Rev Vicki Atkinson  Tel. 01724 733307                               

Address - 32 King St, Winterton, N.Lincs, UK, DN15 9TP.                    View map                                Contact Us

Girls’ Brigade in Winterton

Girls’ Brigade is an organisation for girls aged 4 to 18.

We have 4 sections:

n:vestigate  for girls aged 4-8 years

n:gage   for girls aged 7-11 years

n:counta   for girls aged 10-14 years

n:spire   for girls ages 13-18 years

Although we are a Christian organisation and the spiritual aspect of life is a significant part of what we do at Girls’ Brigade, girls of all faiths & none are welcome to join us.

We meet at Trinity Methodist Church, King Street, Winterton on Thursdays in term time.

Please contact the Captain/Team Leader Catriona Card to find out more.